once pristine . gåme . theHuntsman Deck . low road
low road.
Hunters walk the low road. Hunters acknowledge one another by saying 'run with the hunted,' meaning we are hunters but we're also being hunted, never forget the predator. Hunters' main weakness is exactly that, they become so consumed with their prey, they forget they are also hunted. theHuntress always watches theRider's back. theRider's emænents, such as the Pale Walker, are always protected by the Ring of theHuntress. They are her front line and she has their backs. The low road is also 'walking among us' and provides all pale Walkers with disguise technique. Attacks from the lowRoad are unexpected. Honeypots and Mousetraps are especially suited for the lowRoad. inversion&fermentation Knowledge flows downward to the low road, and dark majicks and olde majicks are best sought from the cloak of the lowRoad. Strong Demons populate the highRoad from desire&loathing, while weak demons are more numerous but are stuck on the lowRoad. However, smart&strong demons will know to camp the lowRoad. Witches are normally highRoad, but strong witches with Huntress yearning often know to stay low.