once pristine . gåme . theHuntsman Deck . the Princess
The First Princess of the White City in the East. thePrincess yearns for her spirit of the Collect. The Princess is a disciple of Sophos, and her followers are in turn the Soldiers of Sophos. Long in the Arc, thePrincess commands legions, and reigns hellfire from the skies. She is the commander in chief of the armies of the newLande, who fight the demon armies in the final phase of the great war, beginning with the Battle of Paris, leading to the end of the beginning with the Battle of Crimea, and culminating in the Battle of the Bospohorus and placing of the third rod. She is then lifted to Queen and is the rightful leader of the Rose Kingdom. Her heir is Queen Nefertiti, who uncovers new materials and hardens the sound and the fury very long in the arc. At the opposite point on the arc from the Gift of Fire, is the Gift of Light. Nefertiti is born to the Age of Thyme and ascends to her Wake at the Gift of Fire, when Sophos ascends to the Wake of Aletheia, and in turn, Aletheia ascends to her next Wake.